1) Dr. McGee explains 1 Corinthians 3:20-22.
2) Dr. McGee explains the meaning of the story of the rich man and Lazarus.
3) How does Matthew 5:19 relate to the numerous New Testament commands?
4) Has the devil been cast out on the earth yet, or will this occur during the thousand-year reign of Christ?
5) Scripture says children will not be put to death for their fathers, but what about Korah and Achan?
6) Could Jonah have prayed his plea for help after his death?
Get ready to fight the good fight against legalism in Galatians. When this letter was written, it defended the gospel of Christ from people who wanted to reduce it to rules. Not surprising, Galatians has provided the backbone for several great spiritual revivals around the world. Freedom, we learn, is a serious fight. Allow grace to revolutionize your own life through these seven lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.