Thank God, David came to the place where he saw what an awful, foul sinner he was, and then he cried out to God for a new heart. The Lord Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” Do you think you’ll ever see God? If it depended upon my heart, I’m very frank with you, I’ll give up; I’ll never see Him. But I am thankful this morning for the One who can give you a new heart. My Beloved, He shed His blood that you might have a new heart. His heart was broken that He might have a remedy today for your heart.
Get ready to fight the good fight against legalism in Galatians. When this letter was written, it defended the gospel of Christ from people who wanted to reduce it to rules. Not surprising, Galatians has provided the backbone for several great spiritual revivals around the world. Freedom, we learn, is a serious fight. Allow grace to revolutionize your own life through these seven lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.