Real FamilyLife® con Dave and Ann Wilson

Recipe for Adultery

Now there's a recipe for adultery!  
I want to remind you of something.  Before this man ever had a physical affair, it started out as an emotional affair.  Little by little, he allowed his loyalties to his wife to errode, and his affections for her began to wander.
Which is why it's critical that all of us guard against inappropriate conversations and emotional transparency with the opposite sex in the workplace.  Most husbands and wives are separate from each other for at least nine hours a day.  Now that's a huge chunk of time!
One final thought.  Why don't you go on the offensive?  Invest in your husband or wife.  Nurture your affection and protect your marriage from harm.  You can choose today to say, "No," to an emotional affair and say, "Yes!" to your marriage.
I'm Dennis Rainey, and that's Real, FAITHFUL, FamilyLife.
March 15, 2016

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