Real FamilyLife® con Dave and Ann Wilson

Pray For Them

Dr. James Dobson told a story that reinforced the importance of praying for our children.  One night Jim and his wife Shirley had trouble falling asleep.  They began feeling uneasy about their daughter, so they got down on their knees and prayed for her.  They later learned that, at that very moment, their daughter and a friend were in a pull-out curve in the mountains -- just looking out over the city, eating a meal.  A police car came by and shone a light into their window.  It made them think to lock their doors.  As the police car drove away, a man crawled out from under their car and tried to force his way in.  They were able to quickly start the car and speed away.  Dr. Dobson says, "No one will ever convince me that our prayers did not have an impact on that situation."
One final thought.  No matter what you do as parents, in the end it is God who is in control.  Pray everyday that God would protect your children and deliver them from the snare of evil.
I'm Dennis Rainey, and that's Real Family Life.
March 29, 2016

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