One night my 13-year old daughter told me about a note being passed around in her class. It was about a boy and a girl who had taken their clothes off and messed around. I told her, "Sex is a beautiful thing in marriage. If you'll wait, God will bless you. But what those two young people were doing is shameful and wrong." Moments like that are the building blocks of a godly perspective about sex in your child's life. Talking to your children about sex takes courage I promise you. You certainly won't win any popularity contests with them. But your children don't need you to be buddies, they need courageous spiritual and moral leadership. The type of leadership parents give, who love them enough to challenge their thinking. One final thought. Make sure your children learn about sex from you, not from notes passed around in class. Prayerfully consider the right time and setting to discuss sex with your child. I'm Dennis Rainey, and that's Real Family Life.