Topics: Christian Walk, In-laws, Alcohol, Incarceration, Boundaries, Adult Children, Drug Addiction, Verbal Abuse, Physical Abuse
Hosts: Brian Perez, JJ West, Dr. Jill Hubbard
Caller Questions & More:
1. JJ discusses planting in the light matters so you can bear more fruit.
2. My son and his family live with us, and my daughter-in-law starts drinking from the moment she gets home until bed; how can I have a better relationship with her?
3. My nephew just got out of prison for drugs and theft, and I asked my family not to let him know where I live. Does that sound like an unchristian thing to ask?
4. How can my daughter have a new start? She has kids and was arrested for meth charges.
5. What should I do if my wife is verbally and physically abusive?
Suggested Resources:
Doing Life with Your Adult Children
Take Your Life Back
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