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Same-Sex Attraction, Mother Issues, and More Caller Questions from March 28, 2025

marzo 28, 2025

Topics: CriticismSame-Sex AttractionTeensDatingMother IssuesCommunication
Hosts: Brian Perez, Dr. Jill HubbardDr. Jim Burns

Caller Questions & More:

1. Dr. Jill discusses a critical spirit, which is an outward expression of what is going on internally.

2. My daughter struggled with same-sex attraction in middle school, and I don’t know if she still struggles in high school.

3. Is it a good thing if my 41yo Christian girlfriend is 14yrs older than me?

4. I can’t share my pain with my mom because she dismisses it or makes it all about her.

Suggested Resources:
A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity
Take Your Life Back Devotional

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New Life Ministries offers compassionate and empowering solutions to those who find themselves in life’s hardest places and who are missing what God desires for their lives. Family, friends, and churches want to help but are not always equipped to care for those dealing with problems like addiction, pornography, infidelity, anxiety, anger, fear, depression, and hurts from the past.

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