The Importance of Aiming
When it comes to archery, it doesn’t matter how strong your arm is, or how good your bow. If you’re not aiming at the right target, you’re bound to miss the mark! On this edition of Focal Point, Mike Fabarez begins a brand new study in the book of Colossians called Hitting God’s Target for Your Life. We all have different goals in life and many of them are worthwhile. But if we don’t focus on God’s target, we’re just shooting into the wind!There are many in our world that will say the Bible is made up; it's just a bunch of stories with no historical foundation. Why should anyone believe any of it? But when we look at the archaeological evidence from the ancient Holy Lands, we find that their world confirms the truths of the continually proves the Bible to be true. Be sure to request the book The Essential Archaeological Guide to the Bible Lands with your generous donation this month.